Brewery Tour: Motor Row Brewing We’re super pleased to announce that Motor Row Brewing is one of our returning sponsors this year! While they make a few different… Continue Reading →
Brewery Tour: Band of Bohemia We’re super excited to announce that one of our favorite local Ravenswood spots is sponsoring this year’s Wedtoberfest. Band of Bohemia truly has it… Continue Reading →
Wedtoberfest 2017 Breweries Announced! We are so excited to announce this year’s participating breweries! We feel honored to have some our our favorite midwestern breweries in the lineup this… Continue Reading →
Wedtoberfest 2017 Date Announced! Summer is in full swing, and ice cold beer has never tasted so good. There’s nothing like enjoying a delicious local beer in one… Continue Reading →
Wedtoberfest 2016 Was Awesome! This year’s Wedtoberfest was bigger and better than ever before. We had a blast at Artifact Events on September 22nd, drinking and eating so… Continue Reading →
Sponsor Spotlight: Tighthead Brewing Company Wedtoberfest is lucky enough to have some returning beer sponsors, and Tighthead Brewing Company is one of them! They are a craft brewery located in… Continue Reading →
Sponsor Spotlight: Motor Row Brewing In eight days, we’ll be drinking and hanging out with Motor Row Brewing at Wedtoberfest! Read more about our returning beer sponsor.… Continue Reading →